August 2023 On August 15th, I had the pleasure of giving a seminar at the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS), in Oban, UK. The possibility of collaborating in the future, both through joint projects, as well as in scientific experiments, was explored.
June 2023 In June 18-23, I have attended the 13th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS) which was held in Newcastle, UK. I had an oral talk, entitled "Experimental adaptation: a key to understanding the impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems".
In June 5-13, I took part in a mesocosm experiment done at the Seeon Limnological Station (LMU Munich). This was a Transnational Access project funded by AQUACOSM Plus, and it was granted to a Romanian student (Cosmin Faur).